Numisma Cupido

Original price was: €25.00.Current price is: €14.00.

47 in stock

It is said that this coin was forged by the Goddess of Obsession herself. Yet, paradoxically, it also serves as a charm of protection against her—bearing on one side the image of the Great Sage, her greatest adversary. If you find yourself torn between surrendering to your Obsession or resisting it, simply toss the coin.


  • Size 2″
  • Made with Ancient Gold finish
  • Detailed and heavy

47 in stock

SKU: numisma-cupido Categories: , Tag:


Obsession is a new playing cards project explicitly dedicated to a theme that lies at the heart of many of my creations.

Yearn is the cornerstone of the series: simple, elegant, and perfect for play. Featuring a striking color palette and a tuckbox crafted from luxury paper, it embodies both refinement and desire. This deck is designed to be perfect for play, featuring recognizable court cards, large and readable pips, and a timeless, classic vibe—of course, all infused with the unmistakable TWI touch. 😉

Obsession Lore

Even if you’ve never known her, you’ve probably always loved her. She has given you joy and purpose. And at the same time, she’s kept you awake at night. 

That’s just the way the Goddess is—blessed fairy and cursed witch in one, always greater than the thing that seems most important. Fighting her is a war lost before it begins. Controlling her? Absurd.

But we can follow her lead, try to make her our ally. By calling her by her name. By calling her Obsession.

Court cards, explained

The court cards portray the many faces of Obsession, from money to hate.

  • KoH – Sacrifice, QoH – Love, JoH – Lust
  • KoS – Identity, QoS – Faith, JoS – Hate
  • KoC – Knowledge, QoC – Curiosity, JoC – Productivity
  • KoD – Greed, QoD – Chance, JoD – Fun

The Great Sage

The Jokers serve as the ad cards for Obsession. One of them features The Great Sage, an ancient wise man from the past. Once revered in the cold north, he holds the knowledge to help you gain a sliver of control over the Goddess. Heed his advice.

Liquid Miracles

The Goddess’s greatest gift—an elixir that turns dreams into reality. Anything is possible if you believe enough.

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