One Month of Patreon Domestic


You subscribed TWI Patreon too late and you missed the chance to get the yearly reward? Here is the solution!

This integration covers 1 month of Patreon of the current year.

Important notes! Please read before purchase:

  • It can be purchased only by Active Patrons (If you want to sign up, click here)
  • This product can be purchased multiple times for cover multiple months.
  • You should buy 2 of these for cover a month of Longsword Tier, or 3 for Massive Sword Tier.
SKU: patreon-domestic Categories: , ,


Assuming you’re integrating from Jan to Dec, his product will make you eligible for the Patreon Yearly Reward.

You should keep your monthly subscription until December of the current year and purchase all the months of the current year you’re missing (1 in Feb, 2 in Mar, 3 in Apr, 4 in May, 5 in Jun, 6 in Jul, 7 in Aug, 8 in Sept, 9 in Oct, 10 in Nov, 11 in Dec).

This product will also grant you the Monthly Reward(s) of the months you have purchased.


What is the Patreon Yearly Reward?

One or more decks. The reward will stay probably unrevealed until December, but it will be a new release, limited almost for sure and likely an Eternal Edition (Exclusive for Patrons). It won’t be easy get it outside Patreon.

How I can get the Patreon Yearly Reward?

Normally, signing up TWI Patreon in January and keeping your membership until December.

What if I didn’t signed up Patreon in January?

You can sign up for a Yearly Membership (who charge you 12 months upfront, with a 10% off discount). This will make you eligible for the yearly reward immediately. If you don’t want a yearly membership, you can use this product for purchase all the months you’re missing!

Will I get the Monthly Reward of the months I’ll purchase this way?

Yes! I will ship it as soon as possible – this means in the next few days if the deck is ready in the warehouse, or weeks/months if it’s a preorder.

Can I use this integration for higher tiers, like Longsword or Massive Sword of the Conquerors?

Yes! You can purchase 2x integrations/month for Longsword and 3x integrations/month for every Massive Sword.

Can I use this product for purchase future Patreon months?

No. Sign up Patreon instead. It’s cheaper and grant you more benefits!

Can I purchase Months of the past year(s)?

No – some rewards will be sold out/unavailable, so you can integrate only the current year.


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